Meditative Movement


Look out for new workshop dates in Spring 2018
Time: 2 hours
Who’s it for: Open Level
Cost: £18 (£15 concs.)

What is it?

Create some time for yourself, leave busy thoughts and responsibilities at the door and find what feels good for your mind and body.

Mindfulness meditation has been proven to reduce anxiety and stress and helps the brain rest and digest our busy lives. If you’re new to meditation or want to find a way to maintain a mindful state as you go about your day, this workshop is for you.

We use simple guided tasks to go inward and find your inner calm, we check-in with how the body feels and gradually widen our awareness to include the space and people around us as we move.

Leave feeling calm, energised, open and grounded.


In this workshop you will:

Learn how to find you inner calm in stillness and when moving

Tune into your personal way of moving

Stretch, strengthen and improve your balance and control

Deepen your awareness of your body and how it moves

Develop sense of connectivity and fluidity throughout the body

Leave feeling calm, energised, open and grounded

Want to book a place on this workshop?

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